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Dear Students,

The section Studies > Guidelines of KAJ's website now contains the document Information and Tips for the State Exams where you can learn all the information concerning the subject.

Níže naleznete rozpis SZZ a členů komise.

Prosím KONTROLUJTE si zde svůj čas, může se měnit. Na těchto webových stránkách KAJ bude rozpis průběžně aktualizován z důvodu možných odhlašování studentů. 



Where? Technical University of Liberec, Building P, Komenského: Room P301

When? 1–6 September 2024

Do you want to learn about documentary film editing? Are you interested in transnational perspectives?

Come and audit our Erasmus BIP Masterclass in Liberec on 1–6 September 2024!

You will be:

  • Meeting open-minded creative students and teachers from 3 countries;
  • Watching documentary films about Central-European towns;
  • Learning about transnational scenes, events and topics 


For further details, please contact, Sándor Klapcsik (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


V rámci tzv. Staff weeku organizuje ZHR burzu Erasmus+ Christmas Fair, kde budou zástupci zahraničních univerzit. Skvělá příležitost k získání informací z první ruky. Dne 6. 12. 2023 od 11.30 do 12.30 hod v menze Husova.

Výběrové řízení na Erasmus na akademický rok 23/24 stále probíhá. Přihlášky jsou přijímány do půlky ledna - info na:


The Department of English is happy to invite all students to a workshop called
English for young learners
The worshop takes place on:
  • 11 December, 10:40-12:15 in P201
    PDA1 (course for future primary school teachers)
  • 11 December, 16:10-17:45 in P304
    DI1NM/DI3NM (course for lower-secondary school program students and future secondary school teachers)
In this interactive workshop, the WattsEnglish methodologist Mgr. Soňa Peichlová will show how to:
  • Introduce and consolidate new vocabulary in a fun way
  • Practice the language effectively
  • Motivate children in active involvement and natural use of English in everyday communication
  • Engage a native speaker anytime, anywhere
  • Simplify lesson planning and use available materials

News from teachers

  • Dr Světlíková's office hours canceled on November 27th

    Dear students, I am sick and need to cancel my office hours on Monday 27th November. Feel free to e-mail me. Anna Světlíková
  • May 25 - Office Hours Cancelled (dr. Vernyik)


    Dear Students,

    I am not going to be in my office on Thursday, May 25, thus my regular office hours must be cancelled. You can see me on Monday, or drop me a line if it is urgent.

    All the best,
    Zénó Vernyik

  • Anna Světlíková's office hours canceled on May 10 and 17

    Dear students, my office hours are canceled on May 10 and May 17 but I can be reached via e-mail. I apologize for the inconvenience. 
  • May 9 - Office Hours Cancelled (dr. Vernyik)


    Dr. Vernyik's office hours are cancelled on May 9.

    You can see him on Thursday, May 11, or drop him a line if it is urgent.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Slavomír Míča's Office Hours and Seminars are Off (27 & 28 April)

    Dear Students, I will be away on 27 and 28 April 2023 (Thursday and Friday). None of my seminars will take place. The same applies to the office hours on Thursday 27 March. The seminars will be substituted, though, following the schedule detailed here: All the best, Slavomír Míča
  • Dr. Michaela Marková

    Dr. Marková's office hours and all appointments this week  (11.4.-14.4.) have been cancelled.
  • Office Hours Cancelled on March 23 (dr. Vernyik)


    Dear Students,

    I am away at a conference on March 23 and March 24, and thus my usual Thursday office hours are cancelled. If your matter is urgent, contact me in e-mail, otherwise, I am happy to see you next week.

    All the best,
    Zénó Vernyik

  • Anna Světlíková's classes and office hours canceled

    Dear students, my classes on March 22 and 23 and my office hours on March 22 are canceled. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you need anything urgent, please e-mail me. Best wishes, Anna Světlíková
  • December 5 - Dr Vernyik's Office Hours Cancelled !


    Dear Students, 

    My Office Hours are cancelled on Monday, December 5, 2022. You can either see me at 6 pm or arrange a meeting by e-mail.

    All the best,

    Zénó Vernyik

  • Dr Vernyik's Office Hours Cancelled


    Dear Students, My Office Hours are cancelled on Monday, May 2, 2022. You can either see me on Friday, May 6, 2022, 10.30 am to 11.30 am, or arrange a meeting by e-mail. All the best, Zénó Vernyik
