Migration, Multiculturalism, Adaptation Studies, Film Studies, Popular Culture
+420-48-535 4270
Mobile: +48-791-622-678
Mobile: +48-791-622-678
P building, 4th floor, office 4019
Office Hours
Upon prior arrangement
Academic Monographs- Vernyik, Zénó, Sandor Klapcsik, Irene Alcubilla Troughton, Ana Belén Martínez García, et al., 2025. Brutal Aspects of Migratory Esthetics: Migration and Violence in Modern and Contemporary Culture. 1st edition. Hannover: ibidem Verlag.
- Vernyik, Zénó, Martina Vránová, Levente Palatinus, Markéta Gregorová, et al., 2019. Crime and Detection in Contemporary Culture. Szeged: Americana eBooks.
Articles in Journals Indexed in the Web of Science- Klapcsik, Sandor and Monika Bartoňová. 2023. “The impacts of ethnic and mainstream culture on Māori-themed films.” Studies in Australasian Cinema.
Articles in Journals Indexed in Scopus- Klapcsik, Sandor. 2017. “The Balkans as ’Pretty Kitsch’: Stereotypes, the Traveler’s View and Parody in Migrant Cinema.” Zeitschrift für Balkanologie. 53(2), 256-275.
- Klapcsik, Sandor. 2016. “Acculturation strategies and exile in Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis.” Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 11(1), 69-83.
Chapters in Academic Monographs- Vernyik, Zénó and Sandor Klapcsik, 2025. “Terrorism as Communication in Arthur Koestler‘s Thieves in the Night.” In Brutal Aspects of Migratory Esthetics: Migration and Violence in Modern and Contemporary Culture. [online]. 1st edition. Hannover: ibidem Verlag. 231-267.
- Klapcsik, Sandor and Zénó Vernyik, 2025. “Turkish for Advanced: Domestic and Ethnically Motivated Violence in Turkish-German Cinema.” In Brutal Aspects of Migratory Esthetics: Migration and Violence in Modern and Contemporary Culture. [online]. 1st edition. Hannover: ibidem Verlag. 155-179.
Bachelor's and Master's Theses
Successfully defended supervised theses- Streubelová Amálie | bakalářská práce | 10.7.2024
The Opinions of Fans on the Representation of Mother-Detectives in Money Heist - Koucká Anežka | bakalářská práce | 9.7.2024
Analyzing and comparing Multiculturalism via Interracial Romantic Relationships in Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher Series and the TV Neflix series - Tryznová Beáta | bakalářská práce | 1.12.2023
Tim Burton's Films as Frankenstein-adaptations for Children - Koželuhová Lucie | bakalářská práce | 14.7.2023
Female and Male Stereotypes in the Big Bang Theory series - Splítek Adam | bakalářská práce | 17.7.2020
Postmodern Influences in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - Čech Patrik | bakalářská práce | 15.11.2019
The Role of Prostitution in the "Inspector Rebus" Novels by Ian Rankin - Bartoňová Monika | diplomová práce | 18.12.2017
Modern Representation of Maori Warriors in Contemporary New Zealand Films - Splítek Aleš | bakalářská práce | 18.11.2016
Criminality in "Catch Me if You Can": A Comparative Analysis of Abagnale's Autobiography and its Film Adaptation - Hvězdová Markéta | bakalářská práce | 18.12.2015
Analysis and Comparision of the Dragon Characters in the Works of Ch. Paolini and J. R. R. Tolkien - Čanecký Pavel | bakalářská práce | 31.8.2015
Signs and Symbols of Patriotism in American Science Fiction Films of the 1990s - Drda Adam | bakalářská práce | 24.7.2015
English as a Lingua Franca in Upper Secondary Classes - Beránková Barbora | diplomová práce | 24.7.2015
The Postmodern Depiction of Fairy Tale Characters in the TV Serial "Once Upon a Time" - Bartoňová Monika | bakalářská práce | 23.7.2015
Analysis of the Women's Position in Maori Culture in Recent New Zealand Films - Macháčová Barbora | bakalářská práce | 23.7.2015
The Transformation of the Female Protagonist in Disney Production: From Beginnings to Contemporary Era - Pospíšilová Markéta | diplomová práce | 30.6.2015
The Comparison of Selected Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen and Oscar Wilde with Regards to Plot, Characters and Motifs - Valešová Radka | bakalářská práce | 14.12.2012
The Development of the Detective Hercule Poirot and His Companions in Agatha Christie's Early and Late Novels
- Streubelová Amálie | bakalářská práce | 10.7.2024
Academic Year: 2024/2025Winter SemesterWednesday- KAJ/KU3BE (P-P002)
Kultura III: Americká studia | 18:00 - 19:35
Thursday- KAJ/KU1BE (P-P003)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 10:40 - 12:15 - KAJ/KU3BE (P-P007)
Kultura III: Americká studia | 12:30 - 14:05 - KAJ/KU3BE (P-P005)
Kultura III: Americká studia | 14:20 - 15:55 - KAJ/KU3BE (P-P301)
Kultura III: Americká studia | 16:10 - 17:45 - KAJ/LT2SS (P-P005)
Literatura 2: Anglofonní literatury | 18:00 - 19:35
Friday- KAJ/LT2SS (P-P004)
Literatura 2: Anglofonní literatury | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/KU1BE (P-P303)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 10:40 - 12:15 - KAJ/KU1BE (P-P001)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 16:10 - 17:45 - KAJ/KU1RS (P-P001)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 16:10 - 17:45 - KAJ/KU1BE (P-P103)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 15:10 - 16:55 - KAJ/KU1RS (P-P103)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 15:10 - 16:55
Saturday- KAJ/LT2SS (P-P003)
Literatura 2: Anglofonní literatury | 12:30 - 14:05 - KAJ/LT2SS (P-P003)
Literatura 2: Anglofonní literatury | 16:10 - 17:45 - KAJ/KU1BE (P-P006)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/KU1RS (P-P006)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/LT2SS (P-P301)
Literatura 2: Anglofonní literatury | 08:50 - 11:25 - KAJ/LT2SS (P-P301)
Literatura 2: Anglofonní literatury | 11:30 - 14:05 - KAJ/KU1BE (P-P103)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 11:30 - 14:05 - KAJ/KU1RS (P-P103)
Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 11:30 - 14:05
Summer SemesterWednesday- KAJ/UCTB (P-P007)
Úvod do četby textů | 18:00 - 19:35
Thursday- KAJ/UCTB (P-P006)
Úvod do četby textů | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/KU2BE (P-P004)
Kultura II: Britská studia | 10:40 - 12:15 - KAJ/KU2BE (P-P004)
Kultura II: Britská studia | 12:30 - 14:05
Friday- KAJ/FMM (P-P304)
Film a moderní média | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/UCTB (P-P304)
Úvod do četby textů | 10:40 - 12:15 - KAJ/HIR (P-P304)
Historie a reálie | 18:00 - 19:35 - KAJ/UCTB (P-P002)
Úvod do četby textů | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/UCTB (P-P304)
Úvod do četby textů | 11:30 - 14:05 - KAJ/FMM (P-P304)
Film a moderní média | 14:20 - 16:55 - KAJ/HIR (P-P003)
Historie a reálie | 17:00 - 19:35
Saturday- KAJ/HIR (P-P005)
Historie a reálie | 16:10 - 17:45 - KAJ/UCTB (P-P304)
Úvod do četby textů | 18:00 - 19:35 - KAJ/HIR (P-P003)
Historie a reálie | 08:50 - 10:25 - KAJ/FMM (P-P304)
Film a moderní média | 18:00 - 19:35 - KAJ/FMM (P-P304)
Film a moderní média | 18:00 - 19:35
- KAJ/KU3BE (P-P002)