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Dávid Levente Palatinus, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Digital Media, Cultural Studies, Screen Studies, Sci-fi and Fantasy, posthumanism, climate-conflict-migration studies

+420-48-535 4275

P building, 4th floor, office 4018

Office Hours

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  • Professional Resume

    I am Assistant Professor of Media and Cultural Studies. Prior to my move to Liberec in 2020, I was Head of Department of English and American Studies in Ruzomberok. Before that, Between 2012-2013, and 2018-2020 I was also a embedded with the University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary, where I taught Critical and Cultural theory. In 2014 I was an Early Stage Research Fellow in the Humanities at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna. In the past I studied and held fellowships at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the University of Oslo, and Newcastle University. 

    In 2017 I set up the Anthropocene Media Lab which now functions as an inter-institutional hub for collaborations and work in the fields of media and Anthropocene studies.

    I was awarded my Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies in 2009, and subsequently moved into media studies (with emphases on television and digital media). My current research moves between and across television studies, digital media, and cultural theory. I have worked and written on serial culture, medicine and autopsy, autoimmunity and war, and digital subjectivity in the Anthropocene. I am co-editor (with Elke Weissmann, Edge Hill University, UK) of the ECREA section of CSTOnline, and sit on the editorial boards of Americana – E-Journal of American Studies (Hungary), of the book series Rewind: British and American Studies of Aras Edizioni (Fano, Italy), and of Bloomsbury Studies in Digital Cultures

    I am co-editor of a special issue of Itinerari LIX - Perspectives in the Anthropocene: Beyond Nature and Culture? (2020), and of the volumes Gothic Metamorphoses across the Centuries: Contexts, Legacies, Media (Peter Lang, 2020), and  Crime and Detection in the Age of Electronic Reproduction (Americana Ebooks, 2018).

    I am co-editor of the volume J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe: Context, Directions and the Legacy. London and New York: Routledge, 2023.

    My book Human / Non / Human: Technics and Subjectivity across Media is forthcoming in 2024.

    For more details about my teaching and research, and for a full list of publications, visit my website.

  • Publications

    Academic Monographs
    1. Palatinus, Levente, 2023. J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and the Legacy. 1st edition. New York: Routledge.
    2. Palatinus, Levente, Stefania Achella, Maurizio Ferraris, Carla Bendetti, et al., 2020. Perspectives in the Anthropocene: Beyond Nature and Culture. 1st edition. Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni.
    3. Vernyik, Zénó, Martina Vránová, Levente Palatinus, Markéta Gregorová, et al., 2019. Crime and Detection in Contemporary Culture. Szeged: Americana eBooks.
    Articles in Journals Indexed in the Web of Science
    1. Palatinus, Levente. 2023. “Technics, Perception, Différance: Narrating the Seeing-Machine?.” JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL EDUCATION. 11(1), 114-125.
    Articles in Other Peer-Reviewed Journals
    1. Palatinus, Levente. 2020. “Subjectivity and the Hauntology of the Digital.” Acta Philologica. 56(1), 85-98. ISSN 0065-1524
  • Bachelor's and Master's Theses

    Thesis topics:

    I am happy to hear from students seeking supervision on topics in digital media, cultural studies, 20th and 21st century British and American film and television, Anthropocene studies, posthumanism, and the war on terror.

    Particular topics may include, but are not restricted to, the following:

    • Television and New Media (histories of British and American television; streaming services as distribution models, etc. You can also choose to offer a textual analysis of a particular series or format, or do audience research)
    • Children's Television
    • Cross-Platform Story Telling (adaptations, etc).
    • Post-Apocalyptic Fiction (and Film)
    • Sci-fi and fantasy (on paper and on the screen)
    • Artificial Intelligence in Literature and Film
    • Narratives of the Posthuman (examples might include but are not restricted to: Westworld, The Matrix franchise, Ex Machina, Blade Runner, etc)
    • Narrative Complexity and Immersive Universes in Open World Videogames
    • Gaming as Cultural Practice and Video Games as Cultural Form (industry perspectives, technologies, audiences)
    • Gamer Communities 
    • Mediating Animals: Animals in / as Media
    • Medicine and Media (medical dramas; medical / health narratives on paper and on the screen)
    • Digital Media, Digital Identities 
    • Digital / Social Media and Children
    • Climate, Conflict, Migration (in literature and film)
    Successfully defended supervised theses
  • Teaching

    Academic Year: 2024/2025
    Winter Semester
    • KAJ/KU1BE (P-P200)
      Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 16:10 - 17:45
    • KAJ/KU1BE (P-P200)
      Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 18:00 - 19:35
    • KAJ/JD1BE (P-P201)
      Jazykové dovednosti 1 | 10:40 - 12:15
    • KAJ/LISNM (P-P202)
      Literární seminář | 12:30 - 14:05
    • KAJ/KU1BE (P-P006)
      Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 16:10 - 17:45
    • KAJ/KU1BE (P-P006)
      Kultura I: Úvod do kultury a literatury | 18:00 - 19:35
    • KAJ/CGABE (P-P301)
      Úvod do analýzy počítačových her | 08:50 - 10:25
    • KAJ/LISNM (P-P004)
      Literární seminář | 10:40 - 12:15
    • KAJ/JD1BE (P-P203)
      Jazykové dovednosti 1 | 12:30 - 14:05
    Details in IS-STAG
    Summer Semester
    • KAJ/FMM (P-P301)
      Film a moderní média | 18:00 - 19:35
    • KAJ/KU2BE (P-P005)
      Kultura II: Britská studia | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KAJ/GLINM (P-P005)
      Gender a literatura | 16:10 - 17:45
    • KAJ/KU2BE (P-P006)
      Kultura II: Britská studia | 08:50 - 10:25
    • KAJ/HIR (P-P303)
      Historie a reálie | 12:30 - 14:05
    • KAJ/HIR (P-P303)
      Historie a reálie | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KAJ/LT1SS (P-P007)
      Literatura 1: Britská a americká lit. | 16:10 - 17:45
    • KAJ/JD4BE (P-P001)
      Jazykové dovednosti 4 | 18:00 - 19:35
    • KAJ/GLINM (P-P005)
      Gender a literatura | 07:00 - 08:35
    • KAJ/LT1SS (P-P007)
      Literatura 1: Britská a americká lit. | 08:50 - 10:25
    • KAJ/JD4BE (P-P001)
      Jazykové dovednosti 4 | 10:40 - 12:15
    Details in IS-STAG